
Here you can uncover fascinating tales about remarkable persons who have made a deep impact on the world around them. From unsung heroes to famous trailblazers to the victims of bizarre crimes, we showcase a diverse range of stories that elicite the triumphs, struggles, extraordinary achievements, and tragedies of people from all walks of life.

Who is Luxci – the homeless deaf woman? 2

Who is Luxci – the homeless deaf woman?

Luxci, also known as Lucy, was a homeless deaf woman, who was featured in a 1993 program of Unsolved Mysteries because she was found wandering in Port Hueneme, California a…

Who Killed Grégory Villemin?

Who killed Grégory Villemin?

Grégory Villemin, a four-year-old French boy who was abducted from the front yard of his home in a small village called Vosges, in France, on 16th October of 1984. The…