Search Results for Mars

Are Crop Circles made by aliens?? 1

Are Crop Circles made by aliens??

Many unusual occurrences happen on this planet, which some people attribute to extraterrestrial activity. Whether it’s a buried metropolis off the coast of Florida or a fictitious triangle in the…

Humans in California 130,000 years ago? 2

Humans in California 130,000 years ago?

The evidence came from a collection of mastodon bones and ancient stones dating back to around 130,000 years ago, which appeared to have been hammered and scraped by early humans.
35 strangest facts about space and universe 3

35 strangest facts about space and universe

The universe is a bizarre place. It’s full of mysterious alien planets, stars that dwarf the Sun, black holes of unfathomable power, and many other cosmic curiosities that seem to…

Chernobyl fungi Cryptococcus neoformans

The strange Chernobyl fungi that “eat” radiation!

In 1991, scientists discovered a fungus named Cryptococcus neoformans at Chernobyl complex that contains large amounts of melanin – a pigment found in the skin which turns it dark. Later it was discovered that the fungi could actually "eat" radiation.