Melanesian islanders own genes belonging to an unknown species of hominids. Would this prove our secret connections to Anunnaki?

To truly understand the difference between polar and Palaeozoic gigantism, we need to delve into their respective origins.

These incredible tools are a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of human beings – and begs the question, what other ancient knowledge and techniques have we forgotten in our race towards progress?

A Type V civilization would be advanced enough to to escape their universe of origin and explore the multiverse. Such a civilization would have mastered technology to a point where they could simulate or build a custom universe.

A skull unearthed in East China might indicate that there is another branch to the human family tree, scientists have revealed.

After researchers observed a definite similarity between several sea-floor inhabitants, a small-known carnivore species of the ocean has been assigned a new spot in the evolutionary tree of life.

The remarkably well-preserved bison was first discovered by gold miners in 1979 and handed over to scientists as a rare find, being the only known example of a Pleistocene bison reclaimed from the permafrost. That said, it didn’t stop gastronomically curious researchers from whipping up a batch of Pleistocene-era bison neck stew.

A recent discovery of a fossil from China shows that a group of reptiles had a whale-like filter feeding technique 250 million years ago.

According to evidences found, at least 21 human species existed in the history, but mysteriously only one of them is alive right now.

It was the biggest shark to have ever swum in our seas and the largest predator the world has known.