Dark History

The forgotten Catacombs of Lima 1

The forgotten Catacombs of Lima

Within the basement of the Catacombs of Lima, lie the remains of affluent residents of the city who held the belief that they would be the final ones to find eternal rest in their expensive burial sites.
The curse of the Hexham Heads 7

The curse of the Hexham Heads

At first glance, the discovery of two hand-hewn stone heads in a garden near Hexham appeared to be unimportant. But then the horror began, because the heads were most likely…

The curse of the Pharaohs: A dark secret behind the mummy of Tutankhamun 8

The curse of the Pharaohs: A dark secret behind the mummy of Tutankhamun

Anyone who disturbs the tomb of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh will be afflicted with bad luck, illness, or even death. This idea gained popularity and notoriety after a string of mysterious deaths and misfortunes allegedly occurred to those involved in the excavation of King Tutankhamun's tomb in the early 20th century.