Since their discovery in the 1930s, the mysterious collections of giant stone jars scattered throughout central Laos have remained one of the great prehistoric puzzles of south-east Asia. It is thought that the jars represent the mortuary remains of an extensive and powerful Iron Age culture.

Linear Elamite, a writing system used in what is now Iran, may reveal the secrets of a little-known kingdom bordering Sumer.

The Ancient City of Jericho is the world's oldest walled city, with evidence of stone fortifications dating back nearly 10,000 years. Archaeological digs have turned up traces of habitation that are even older up to 11,000 years ago.

In the Bible, it’s said when the Euphrates river runs dry then immense things are on the horizon, perhaps even the foretelling of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the rapture.

The Black Pyramid is buried deep in the ground in the Alaskan desert and would be much larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China's Tarim Basin thousands of years before East Asian people arrived.

While it isn’t proof that legendary Atlantis ever existed, the discovery of a large quantity of metal bars in an ancient shipwreck is a figurative gold mine for archaeologists.

Located at the core of the expansive and lush Darab plain, the ancient town was dominated by the salt dome of Darabgard. Encircled by a circular fortification, this prominent feature held a central position within the town.

The Vinča was a mysterious European culture that left in legacy an unknown, never successfully deciphered script.

The mystery surrounding the Jade Discs has led many archaeologists and theorists to speculate various fascinating theories.