An advanced, prosperous and powerful civilization would have existed a few millennia before the greatest ancient powers in the world: Sumer and Egypt. The commonly accepted historical chronology may be completely wrong due to three clay tablets found in Tartaria, Romania. Although the discovery remains under close security, several experts have said so far that there is no reason to discredit it.
Why did these tablets cause such a commotion?

Before talking about the mysterious Tablets of Tărtăria and their strange content, it is good to make clear how little we know about the city of Tartaria. In fact, Tartary is considered a country and has even been listed by some as a great and powerful empire. Its territory stretched from the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
The power and influence of Tartary are believed to have been considerably ‘pulverized’ by several natural disasters, specifically large mud floods. Suddenly, this advanced civilization lost its stability and quickly disappeared from modern world history -apparently it was simply wiped off the map.
The parallel story states that the Tatars and their empire were attacked by other powerful nations who desired their power. To create a new order on the scale of world power, they somehow (not known) caused a series of artificial floods that ended up destroying the entire nation of Tartary.
One of the main reasons why Tartary was envied by neighbouring nations was its advance in scientific and technological knowledge, leaving the front of many places. It was even said that the Tatars had a supply of clean energy in their cities, extracted from the atmosphere.
The villages contained urban poles that served as the point of transmission of the wireless energy they used. The latest mention of Tartary in official records and maps can be found before the 19th century. It is indicated that the nation occupied the entire area of Siberia and reference is made to other basic data.
The mystery of the Tabúas

In 1961, archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa found three clay tablets 30 kilometres from the city of Alba Iulia, in the territory of the former Tartary. The tablets are engraved with various symbols with a difficult to decipher message written in Sumerian characters. But what is really intriguing is the age of those early records, this is really significant in this case.
Carbon-14 dating tests shed light that Tartary tablets date back to 5,300 BC. In this case, the theory that writing originated in Mesopotamia by the hand of the Sumerians would lose all of its veracity. Instead, the cradle of civilization would have to move to the heart of the inhospitable plain of Eastern Europe.

What appeared to be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries has become a topic of debate and discussion. Dating the artifacts would delay the invention of writing by more than a millennium and would also change the birthplace of writing, from Mesopotamia to the Danube basin. So, is it possible that a prosperous and powerful civilization existed a few millennia before the greatest ancient powers in the world: Sumer and Egypt?
Some archaeologists have tried to debunk this myth by claiming that the Tartary tablets appeared due to Sumerian influence because the symbols on the tablets resemble those used by the Sumerians at the time this book was written.

Because of this, it was assumed that the symbols were taken from them, and the ancient inhabitants used them without knowing their meaning. But scientists are at odds with their own conception of history, since around 5,500 BC, Sumerian writing did not exist, and there is no evidence to support these claims to this day.
Historians were once again intrigued when they tried to translate the tablets based on the Sumerian dialect, discovering in them the name ‘Saue’, which is the equivalent of the god Usmu known in Sumerian culture.
Researchers are debating how it was possible for the ancient inhabitants of Tartaria to write in Sumerian when, at that time, the name Sumeria was not yet known.
Russian scientist Boris Perlov believes that the Sumerians and Babylonians were just “capable students”, who borrowed the pictographic script from Eastern cultures and later transformed it into a cuneiform script. According to Perlov, the real inventors of writing were the people of the Balkans and not the Sumerians.
Many historians cannot believe that the entire human chronology widely accepted by traditional historians is crumbling because of the three Tartary Tables.
Records and interpretations of thousands of years would have to be erased and rewritten. Current knowledge, as we learned it, including the origin of humanity, would have to be reinterpreted.