Silver medal featuring winged Medusa discovered at Roman fort near Hadrian’s Wall

The snake-covered head of Medusa was found on a silver military decoration at a Roman auxiliary fort in England.

A nearly 1,800-year-old silver military medal featuring the snake-covered head of Medusa has been unearthed in what was once the northern edge of the Roman Empire.

The Roman phalera, or military medal, features Medusa with two wings atop her head.
The Roman phalera, or military medal, features Medusa with two wings atop her head. Image Credit: The Vindolanda Trust, via Twitter | Fair Use.

Excavators discovered the winged gorgon on June 6, 2023, at the English archaeological site of Vindolanda, a Roman auxiliary fort that was built in the late first century, a few decades before Hadrian’s Wall was constructed in 122 AD to defend the empire against the Picts and the Scots.

The “special find” is a “silver phalera (military decoration) depicting the head of Medusa,” according to a Facebook post from The Vindolanda Trust, the organization leading the excavations. The phalera was uncovered from a barrack floor, dating to the Hadrianic period of occupation.

The hand-size Medusa medal dates to the Hadrianic period at Vindolanda, a Roman auxiliary fort in England.
The hand-size Medusa medal dates to the Hadrianic period at Vindolanda, a Roman auxiliary fort in England. Image Credit: The Vindolanda Trust, via Twitter | Fair Use.

Medusa – who is known for having snakes for hair and the ability to turn people into stone with a mere glance – is mentioned across numerous revered Greek legends. In the most famous story, the Greek hero Perseus beheads Medusa as she sleeps, pulling off the feat by using Athena’s polished shield to indirectly look at the mortal gorgon so that he wouldn’t be petrified.

Medusa, also known as Gorgo in Greek mythology, was one of the three monstrous Gorgons, who were generally described as winged human females with living venomous snakes in place of hair.

The head of Medusa also functions as a kind of apotropaic symbol, meaning her likeness was thought to repel evil. Medusa’s serpent-surrounded head is also seen on Roman-era tombs, mosaics in posh villas, and battle armor. For instance, in the famous first-century mosaic of Alexander the Great from Pompeii, Alexander is depicted with the face of Medusa on his breastplate.

Silver medal featuring winged Medusa discovered at Roman fort near Hadrian's Wall 1
Alexander the Great is depicted as wearing a breastplate with the gorgon Medusa in this famous mosaic of him from Pompeii. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Medusa is also featured on other Roman-era phalerae, but the details vary. For instance, the Vindolanda Medusa has wings on her head. Sometimes we see her with wings, sometimes without. It probably indicates she has the ability to fly, sort of like (the Roman god) Mercury has little wings on his helmet.

Volunteer archaeologists have also found during this season’s excavations, a spearhead, a copper alloy spoon, a stamped mortarium rim, Samian pottery, a melon bead, an enameled bow brooch, a copper alloy scabbard chape (the protective fitting at the bottom of a scabbard or sheath for a dagger), and a well preserved wooden bath clog.

The silver artifact is now undergoing conservation at the Vindolanda lab. It will form part of the 2024 exhibition of finds from the site.