In 1882, Nikola Tesla discovered the rotating magnetic field, a principle of physics that forms the basis for nearly all devices that use AC power. But while working on his transformer in 1895, Tesla allegedly discovered for the first time that highly charged rotating magnetic fields might alter time and space.

Part of this insight stemmed from Tesla’s experiments with radio frequencies and electrical energy transfer via the atmosphere. Years later, Tesla’s basic findings would lead to the infamous Philadelphia experiment and the Montauk time travel programs.
But, long before these top-secret military operations became public, Tesla is said to have made some remarkable secret findings about the nature of time and the real-world prospects for time travel.
Tesla found that time and space could be broken, or bent, creating a “door” that may lead to other times through his experiments with high-voltage electrical and magnetic fields. However, Tesla understood the true risks of time travel via firsthand experience with this major revelation.
It is said that Tesla had his first encounter with time travel on March 13, 1895. On that day, a New York Herald reporter found the inventor in a little bistro, appearing frightened after being zapped by 3.5 million volts:
“I don’t think you’ll find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is, I almost died today. The spark jumped three feet in the air and caught me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant hadn’t turned off the power instantly, it could have been the end of me.”
When Tesla came into contact with the electromagnetic charge’s resonance, he found himself outside of his space/time window of reference. He claimed to be able to view the past, present, and future all at once. But he was immobilized by the electromagnetic field and couldn’t help himself.
Tesla was saved before any major harm was done by his assistant, who turned off the current. Years later, during the Philadelphia Experiment, a similar incidence occurred. Unfortunately, the sailors engaged were kept outside their space/time frame reference for an inordinate amount of time, which had devastating consequences.
Tesla’s secret time travel experiments were passed along to others who were not as concerned about mankind as Tesla was. Nikola Tesla is credited for developing most of today’s technology.
We wouldn’t have radio, TV, AC power, Tesla coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lights, radio-controlled gadgets, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves, and hundreds of other remarkable innovations without Tesla’s creativity. As a result, it is no surprise that Tesla investigated worldwide flight and perhaps antigravity.

In fact, his most recent invention, issued in 1928, was a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane (Apparatus for Aerial Transportation). According to accounts, Tesla developed blueprints for a spaceship engine before his death. Drive Space, or anti-electromagnetic field drive, was the name he gave it.
“The world is not ready for this. It is something far beyond our time, but the laws will prevail, and one day they will be a triumphant success.” Whether conspiratorial truths or true conspiracies, the fact is that Tesla would go much further if he wasn’t stopped.
Nikola Tesla, the greatest technological genius of our time, would join forces with Albert Einstein, the greatest theoretical genius of our time, to celebrate a marriage of minds that would undoubtedly unlock the doors to the hidden reality of dimensions.
Because Tesla’s account, in which he claims to have experienced an instant of timelessness (simultaneous vision of the past, present, and future) while immersed in a very strong magnetic field, fits perfectly with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which states that the more space the time is distorted, the more the time factor tends to stand still, or t=0, which means seeing the three dimensions of time, past, present, and future, “at the same time” that is, t=0 (timelessness).
Einstein helped develop the idea of spacetime as part of his theory of relativity. Higher-dimensional spaces (i.e., greater than three) have since become one of the foundations for formally expressing modern mathematics and physics. Large parts of these topics could not exist in their current forms without the use of such spaces. Einstein’s concept of spacetime uses such a 4D space.
Impressively, the combination of Einstein’s concepts and Tesla’s technique would revolutionize the world. But… does the world deserve it? All of this power and science would end up in the wrong hands.
So, to paraphrase Tesla, the world is unprepared because the owners of the planet are more concerned with military force and capital monopoly than with cultural growth and awareness evolution. The God of Money, not the God of Truth, dominates the world. This is an unfortunate fact.